A Theory of action: what makes a good one, how do you use it?
A theory of action: If...then...
Click on the image below for a link to the story.
Read up to page 13. What is Edward's theory of action? Phrase it as a 'If...then...' statement.
Click on the image below for a link to the story.
Read up to page 13. What is Edward's theory of action? Phrase it as a 'If...then...' statement.
What would a Theory of Action look like in education? Share some that you've heard.
If we have a Quality Teaching Framework then teaching and learning in schools will improve.
If boys have male role models who enjoy reading then they will enjoy reading themselves.
If students attend school regularlly then their learning will improve.
If you put students not at a reading level at a higher level then they will achieve at that level (accelerated literacy).
If Camdenville Public School gets involved in a Lesson Study approach then teaching and learning will improve.
If we teach students the Super 6 strategies then their comprehension will improve.
What is the purpose?
Often told there's research to back this up.
Around improvement, aspirational.
Can't always think you know it all, always should be improving all the time.
Theories and ideas changing all the time but also going round in circles.
Do these theories of action achieve what they are trying to do? Why/why not?
Not always, sometimes becomes de-motivating.
Can be about where it's come from, how well delivered, where it comes from.
Not one shoe fits all, that's how it's delivered, often by people who aren't teachers, not meaningful for how teachers work.
Childrens needs have changed over the last few years - teaching needs to change.
Sometimes don't work because not specific to context, don't take into account difference in teaching style, student preference, needs of different groups.
General theories of action don't respond to the strengths and needs of individual teachers, not always useful.
Compare the two theories of action below. Which one is more effective? Why?
The second one breaks it down into steps, tells you how you're going to get there. Almost like statement from a management plan.
If not unpacked not useful, it's more observable, accountable, more clear to everyone, everyone can think 'Am I doing this', less open for interpretation.
Might not be easy to do initially, will need to think about how to do it.
When talking about learning not every aspect is observable, need to think about what we are noticing, other variables, and what all these mean for the learning.
Theory of action may never be completed, changes in response to context and effects of actions.
Requires ongoing reflection and change. Not set in stone.
This is going to impact on our planning for the future and how plans are developed.
If we have a Quality Teaching Framework then teaching and learning in schools will improve.
If boys have male role models who enjoy reading then they will enjoy reading themselves.
If students attend school regularlly then their learning will improve.
If you put students not at a reading level at a higher level then they will achieve at that level (accelerated literacy).
If Camdenville Public School gets involved in a Lesson Study approach then teaching and learning will improve.
If we teach students the Super 6 strategies then their comprehension will improve.
What is the purpose?
Often told there's research to back this up.
Around improvement, aspirational.
Can't always think you know it all, always should be improving all the time.
Theories and ideas changing all the time but also going round in circles.
Do these theories of action achieve what they are trying to do? Why/why not?
Not always, sometimes becomes de-motivating.
Can be about where it's come from, how well delivered, where it comes from.
Not one shoe fits all, that's how it's delivered, often by people who aren't teachers, not meaningful for how teachers work.
Childrens needs have changed over the last few years - teaching needs to change.
Sometimes don't work because not specific to context, don't take into account difference in teaching style, student preference, needs of different groups.
General theories of action don't respond to the strengths and needs of individual teachers, not always useful.
Compare the two theories of action below. Which one is more effective? Why?
The second one breaks it down into steps, tells you how you're going to get there. Almost like statement from a management plan.
If not unpacked not useful, it's more observable, accountable, more clear to everyone, everyone can think 'Am I doing this', less open for interpretation.
Might not be easy to do initially, will need to think about how to do it.
When talking about learning not every aspect is observable, need to think about what we are noticing, other variables, and what all these mean for the learning.
Theory of action may never be completed, changes in response to context and effects of actions.
Requires ongoing reflection and change. Not set in stone.
This is going to impact on our planning for the future and how plans are developed.
IF we have professional learning communities, THEN student learning will
improve. Reference for both examples: http://www.abeoschoolchange.org/blog/whats-a-theory-of-action-and-why-do-we-need-one/
IF we have professional learning communities, THEN we will have a scheduled
time for teachers to discuss their work and the work students produce. And IF teachers share their work and the results with each other, THEN they will be able to learn from each other’s successes and draw upon the expertise of their colleagues around common challenges. And IF teachers draw upon the expertise and successes of their colleagues around common challenges, THEN teachers will be able to incorporate new and successful strategies into their practice with support from their colleagues. And IF teachers incorporate successful strategies into their practice, THEN students will benefit from more effective teaching. AND THEN student learning will increase. |
What do we need to think about to create an effective theory of action?
What do we want the end result to be.
Collect data - observations, SMART data, from rounds and other sources.
Know the 'bus stops' or the 'thens' take time to unpack them and think carefully about time and resources etc required to achieve it.
Work backwards from goal?
Know starting point.
How can we use our theory of action to support our professional learning practice and culture? What will we do with it?
Use it as a guide for planning and programming.
See it as a 'ticklist' what have we achieved, what do we need to do next.
Set directives for our professional learning program - eg sessions on language of maths.
Create time to reflect and evaluate where we're at and if the theory is working, adjust if necessary.
Need to know that the PL will be responsive and flexible - our own continuum for learning will adjust.
Everyone needs to engage in order to be able to reflect and adjust.
What do we need to think about to create an effective theory of action?
What do we want the end result to be.
Collect data - observations, SMART data, from rounds and other sources.
Know the 'bus stops' or the 'thens' take time to unpack them and think carefully about time and resources etc required to achieve it.
Work backwards from goal?
Know starting point.
How can we use our theory of action to support our professional learning practice and culture? What will we do with it?
Use it as a guide for planning and programming.
See it as a 'ticklist' what have we achieved, what do we need to do next.
Set directives for our professional learning program - eg sessions on language of maths.
Create time to reflect and evaluate where we're at and if the theory is working, adjust if necessary.
Need to know that the PL will be responsive and flexible - our own continuum for learning will adjust.
Everyone needs to engage in order to be able to reflect and adjust.