On your own;
As a group;
Share observations.
Identify patterns.
Group post its.
- Read through your notes
- Star the observations that seem relevant to the problem of practice
- Select 5-10 pieces of data. Write them on individual post its.
As a group;
Share observations.
Identify patterns.
Group post its.
If you were a student at this school and you did everything you were expected to do, what would you know and be able to do?
We would be learning to:
We wonder:
We would be learning to:
- build on their existing knowledge and making connections
- number fluency
- flexible thinking/multiple strategies/justifying thinking
- using vocabulary linked to learning and content as a class and with each other
- using multiple strategies to solve one problem
- locating resources independently
- working cooperatively/collaboratively
- teach and support their peers
- lateral thinking
- demonstrate their understanding in different ways (e.g. whiteboard, open ended questions, concrete materials)
- articulate the Learning intention
- have patience and develop listening skills
- ask questions and clarify their understanding
- risk take
- Share how they are feeling about the learning
We wonder:
- about the plenary of lessons and how it informs future planning
- do they know what they need to do to be successful? Is this being used throught the lesson? Is there differentiation in the SC?
- are students supported in choosing appropriate level of challenge?
- If students can see the connection to real world?
- How are essential questions developed?
- Are there ways for them to apply the learning to real life situations?
- If there is room across the school to scope our learning so it's more aligned?
- How long we spend on each content?
- Are we sequencing lessons so the content follows on?
- Is there a central place we can go to to share maths resources?
- How we use SLSOs across the school to support differentiation and challenge?
- How are introductions of lessons differentiated?
The Next Level of Work
Based on our wonderings, what do we as a staff want to learn about next?
What changes to our practice do we think will cause the learning that we want to see? What will address our PoP?
How can we organise our learning so that it's more coherent across K-6?
A shared document for resource links/ideas
Relevant useful displays in classrooms for students to access during maths lessons (e.g. strategies and vocabulary)
HA students applying their knowledge to problem solving/real world problems
Maths team - what's in the maths storeroom? Do we have enough resources? Maths goals for students to work towards like writing goals
What can we do that's similar to Initalit for maths?
Find experts related to inter-cultural perspectives
Assessment across K-6 - formative strategies to inform the next lesson
Explore lesson structure and quality lesson planning and create consistency across the school
School-wide scope
Use of Success Criteria
If these changes take place, if we refine our practice in the above identified areas, what impact will we see and be able to measure?
What changes to our practice do we think will cause the learning that we want to see? What will address our PoP?
How can we organise our learning so that it's more coherent across K-6?
A shared document for resource links/ideas
Relevant useful displays in classrooms for students to access during maths lessons (e.g. strategies and vocabulary)
HA students applying their knowledge to problem solving/real world problems
Maths team - what's in the maths storeroom? Do we have enough resources? Maths goals for students to work towards like writing goals
What can we do that's similar to Initalit for maths?
Find experts related to inter-cultural perspectives
Assessment across K-6 - formative strategies to inform the next lesson
Explore lesson structure and quality lesson planning and create consistency across the school
School-wide scope
Use of Success Criteria
If these changes take place, if we refine our practice in the above identified areas, what impact will we see and be able to measure?