Let's Review the PBL Map - Where are we up to?
ES1 - Developed N2ks
S1 - Investigating N2Ks & contacting experts
S2- Investigating N2Ks & contacting experts
S3 - Investigating N2Ks & contacting experts
Based on the Teacher Survey can we share effective ways of:
- introducing and using the project calendar
- supporting groups when investigating N2Ks- post it notes on laptops with key words to assist, pages of resources with links, setting up google drive folders for groups to record & store info, list of possible experts in drive,
- contacting experts - expert folder in the WS PBL in drive,
Read the following articles and discuss the implications for our planning and programming:
We wonder if products could be of higher quality - how can we get students to define what a quality product looks like? (use of success criterias) , define the 'audience' so that the product is more authentic, making work public, having good experts to drive the project, being flexible with timelines,
S1 - Investigating N2Ks & contacting experts
S2- Investigating N2Ks & contacting experts
S3 - Investigating N2Ks & contacting experts
Based on the Teacher Survey can we share effective ways of:
- introducing and using the project calendar
- supporting groups when investigating N2Ks- post it notes on laptops with key words to assist, pages of resources with links, setting up google drive folders for groups to record & store info, list of possible experts in drive,
- contacting experts - expert folder in the WS PBL in drive,
Read the following articles and discuss the implications for our planning and programming:
We wonder if products could be of higher quality - how can we get students to define what a quality product looks like? (use of success criterias) , define the 'audience' so that the product is more authentic, making work public, having good experts to drive the project, being flexible with timelines,