Common themes We noticed
If we were a child at this school we would be learning to:
We wonder:
- give and use feedback and feedforward
- use technology - Google Drive, iPads, iMovie
- identify experts who can help us learn about different things
- create and refer to a success criteria
- work collaboratively
- use scaffolds to help plan and organise - project planners, project calendars
- to use a variety of spaces - to choose where to work that best fit the task
- to answer questions
- to reflect on learning
- work to a deadline
- solve problems and troubleshoot independently or with a peer
- be flexible when making decisions
- take on other students' ideas
- articulate what they are learning and why
- use content taught in other subjects to inform project time
We wonder:
- if students understand what an authentic audience is?
- if appropriate opportunities for student voice are being utilised?
- if teachers are consistently identifying learning objectives for PBL that are not content driven?
- if there is a consistent understanding of what we mean when we speak about high expectations?
- if students value and understand the processes as part of PBL?
- if 'project time' is used consistently and effectively across the school?