TPL Learning Objective for today:
1. By the end of this session teachers will be able to identy the features of an explicit Learning Objective and write 2 SMART Objectives.
Activity 1: Reading- Classroom instruction that works
What did you find out about Learning Ob- 3 key ideas
-informing parents about the learning objectives (term, week)
-shouldn't be too general, needs to be not too specific, needs to have movement in it
-context free (should be able to transfer the skill)
-stronger notion of the purpose
-focus on the connections / the relevance of learning decreases the axiety
-there are no secrets / mapping analogy
-student friendly
What did you find out about Feedback- 3 Key ideas
-specific and individualised
-distinction between metacognitive and numerical / results based (50%)
-refine the learning as an ongoing process
-strengths approach
-students are more likely to take risks and try
How are LO and FDBK linked?
-guides student back to the learning
-if you do not have a lesson objective then you are unable to link it back
Name 3 benefits for students and or teachers of this approach.
1. Metacognitive understanding - not task based/activity understanding
2. Helps you to drive future lessons
3. Constant reference point during the lesson / check your progress (self-regulatory)
The terms“goals” and “objectives” are sometimes used interchangeably. This is wrong. They are different.
Goals are broad and sometimes difficult to directly measure. The important thing about goals is that they help us focus on the big and important picture. Our goals are often the big ideas in our syllabuses.
A learning objective or behavioural objective, if you prefer, is much more specific than a goal. According to Mager, the ideal learning objective has 3 parts
1. A measurable verb
2. The important condition (if any) under which the performance is to occur
3. The criterion of acceptable performance.
The Acronym SMART can be used to help us write clear objectives
S Specific M Measureable A Achievable R Results orientated T Time-Bound
ACTIVITY 2 What is a SMART Objective?
Youtube clip on how to write Objectives
With your Learning Partner-take the Lesson objectives in the plastic sleeves sort them into 2 groups-
a) Clear or SMART LOs or as close as possible and
b) non clear LOs
Use the acronym and the list of Action verbs form the Bloom's Taxonomy to help you sort.
BLOOMS - Provides us with measureable, observable verbs
1. By the end of this session teachers will be able to identy the features of an explicit Learning Objective and write 2 SMART Objectives.
Activity 1: Reading- Classroom instruction that works
What did you find out about Learning Ob- 3 key ideas
-informing parents about the learning objectives (term, week)
-shouldn't be too general, needs to be not too specific, needs to have movement in it
-context free (should be able to transfer the skill)
-stronger notion of the purpose
-focus on the connections / the relevance of learning decreases the axiety
-there are no secrets / mapping analogy
-student friendly
What did you find out about Feedback- 3 Key ideas
-specific and individualised
-distinction between metacognitive and numerical / results based (50%)
-refine the learning as an ongoing process
-strengths approach
-students are more likely to take risks and try
How are LO and FDBK linked?
-guides student back to the learning
-if you do not have a lesson objective then you are unable to link it back
Name 3 benefits for students and or teachers of this approach.
1. Metacognitive understanding - not task based/activity understanding
2. Helps you to drive future lessons
3. Constant reference point during the lesson / check your progress (self-regulatory)
The terms“goals” and “objectives” are sometimes used interchangeably. This is wrong. They are different.
Goals are broad and sometimes difficult to directly measure. The important thing about goals is that they help us focus on the big and important picture. Our goals are often the big ideas in our syllabuses.
A learning objective or behavioural objective, if you prefer, is much more specific than a goal. According to Mager, the ideal learning objective has 3 parts
1. A measurable verb
2. The important condition (if any) under which the performance is to occur
3. The criterion of acceptable performance.
The Acronym SMART can be used to help us write clear objectives
S Specific M Measureable A Achievable R Results orientated T Time-Bound
ACTIVITY 2 What is a SMART Objective?
Youtube clip on how to write Objectives
With your Learning Partner-take the Lesson objectives in the plastic sleeves sort them into 2 groups-
a) Clear or SMART LOs or as close as possible and
b) non clear LOs
Use the acronym and the list of Action verbs form the Bloom's Taxonomy to help you sort.
BLOOMS - Provides us with measureable, observable verbs
ACTIVITY 3- Writing a SMART Objective with your Learning Partner
Take one of the literacy and one of the numeracy objectives and rewrite them as SMART goals.
Pass your objectives to another pair- discuss your objectives with each other-
Q-what would you see/hear the students doing to be successful.
Q Are they clear enough for student to use to monitor and guide their learning?
Discuss your answers.
Our own LO are important for our professional growth. Look at some examples of teachers LO. We are going to practice writing clear TPL goals for our self and our lesson study Learning Partner
Again think about the benefits of this for both yourself and your Learning Partner.
Reflection- Have we met the LO set at the start of the session? Any evaluative comments?
WHATS NEXT: look at the last few lesson study plans you made and see if they have been as specifc as possible. Plan another lesson with your lesson study Learning Partner focussing on explicit LOs for yourself and for your students.
Take one of the literacy and one of the numeracy objectives and rewrite them as SMART goals.
Pass your objectives to another pair- discuss your objectives with each other-
Q-what would you see/hear the students doing to be successful.
Q Are they clear enough for student to use to monitor and guide their learning?
Discuss your answers.
Our own LO are important for our professional growth. Look at some examples of teachers LO. We are going to practice writing clear TPL goals for our self and our lesson study Learning Partner
Again think about the benefits of this for both yourself and your Learning Partner.
Reflection- Have we met the LO set at the start of the session? Any evaluative comments?
WHATS NEXT: look at the last few lesson study plans you made and see if they have been as specifc as possible. Plan another lesson with your lesson study Learning Partner focussing on explicit LOs for yourself and for your students.