Creating a whole school assessment
In stages, let's create an addition assessment that we could moderate against our 'Addition Content Marker Continuum':
As a whole staff - let's compare differences and similarities in proposed assessment tasks.
Notes and conclusions:
- There needs to be a mix of open ended questions (involving dice , students generating numbers, choosing strategies, explaining answers etc.) and questions that 'force' students to show their understanding of strategies e.g. the compensation strategy and actually ask them to 'use doubles' or the 'jump strategy.
- All assessments seem to follow a similar approach and formatting, however, stages will pull aspects of other assessments where appropriate. E.g. up or down depending on the students.
Teachers to conduct assessments and bring all samples to Twilight TPL in Week 4 with an idea of where their students sit against the syllabus continuum to participate in a moderation session similar to our Big Writing moderation session.
Moderating Session:
Discussion question from AITSL around moderating:
How do you use moderation to ensure consistent and comparable judgements when assessing students: a) across the year levels you teach, b) the year levels at your school and c) in your school cluster groups?
- useful to see where they are at, could really see where the gaps are in relation to one skill. More grey areas than writing. Questions around how many questions do the have to get correct to bet at (or below etc). It was helpful to include the start of stage content - helped identify where to next for targeted programs.
We could refine the assessment task.
Strengths and weaknesses across stages and the school:
Possible issues around place value (Stage 2). Number reversals.
Are they retaining the skills?
Feedback on the moderation process itself:
Ideas moving forward:
S1 - possibly refining the assessment itself - build in language to lessons e.g. partitioning or bridging to ten
S2 - refining the assessment to include the option to choose the strategy, extending our top group e.g. during warm ups, work on place value and bridging to 10.
S3 - work on place value with less able students, working on estimation to get to end of Year 6.
In stages, let's create an addition assessment that we could moderate against our 'Addition Content Marker Continuum':
As a whole staff - let's compare differences and similarities in proposed assessment tasks.
Notes and conclusions:
- There needs to be a mix of open ended questions (involving dice , students generating numbers, choosing strategies, explaining answers etc.) and questions that 'force' students to show their understanding of strategies e.g. the compensation strategy and actually ask them to 'use doubles' or the 'jump strategy.
- All assessments seem to follow a similar approach and formatting, however, stages will pull aspects of other assessments where appropriate. E.g. up or down depending on the students.
Teachers to conduct assessments and bring all samples to Twilight TPL in Week 4 with an idea of where their students sit against the syllabus continuum to participate in a moderation session similar to our Big Writing moderation session.
Moderating Session:
Discussion question from AITSL around moderating:
How do you use moderation to ensure consistent and comparable judgements when assessing students: a) across the year levels you teach, b) the year levels at your school and c) in your school cluster groups?
- useful to see where they are at, could really see where the gaps are in relation to one skill. More grey areas than writing. Questions around how many questions do the have to get correct to bet at (or below etc). It was helpful to include the start of stage content - helped identify where to next for targeted programs.
We could refine the assessment task.
Strengths and weaknesses across stages and the school:
Possible issues around place value (Stage 2). Number reversals.
Are they retaining the skills?
Feedback on the moderation process itself:
Ideas moving forward:
S1 - possibly refining the assessment itself - build in language to lessons e.g. partitioning or bridging to ten
S2 - refining the assessment to include the option to choose the strategy, extending our top group e.g. during warm ups, work on place value and bridging to 10.
S3 - work on place value with less able students, working on estimation to get to end of Year 6.