On your own
As a group
Share observations.
Identify patterns.
Group post its.
As a whole staff
Identify -
Evidence specific to the problem of practice:
- Read through your notes
- Star the observations that seem relevant to the problem of practice
- Select 5-10 pieces of data. Write them on individual post its.
As a group
Share observations.
Identify patterns.
Group post its.
As a whole staff
Identify -
Evidence specific to the problem of practice:
- Differentiated tasks for students
- Student work samples reflected differentiated
- Teacher questioning - does this reflect differentiation?
- We wonder if each student is being challenged at the right level?
- We wonder about the types of questions the teachers are using?
- We wonder if the tasks are open ended?
- We wonder if we are seeing productive struggle in our classrooms?
- We wonder if our students are being 'too successful'?
If you were a student at this school and you did everything you were expected to do, what would you know and be able to do?
We would be learning to:
We wonder:
We would be learning to:
- Share different strategies
- Use vocabulary to reason our thinking
- Sit and listen as a group
- Talk to learning partners
- Check our work with a peer
- Refer to a Learning Intention is
- Use technology to show/support learning
- Use flexible learning spaces to suit our learning task
- Read and use IWB
- Collaborate with others
We wonder:
- We wonder if each student is being challenged at the right level?
- We wonder about the types of questions the teachers are using?
- We wonder if the tasks are open ended?
- We wonder if we are seeing productive struggle in our classrooms?
- We wonder if our students are being 'too successful'?
- We wonder how the able and more able students are being supported?
- We wonder how if our MMA students are challenged/accessing open ended tasks?
- We wonder what assessment information and data we are using the support planning of lessons?
- We wonder if our feedback is informing future lessons?
- We wonder if our students are using mathematical dialogue to collaborate?
- We wonder how we are assessing our students so they can show their 'ceiling'?
The Next Level of Work
Based on our wonderings, what do we as a staff want to learn about next?
What changes to our practice do we think will cause the learning that we want to see? What will address our PoP? What does WWB indicate?
- Talk Moves and Number Talks Strategy
- Teacher questioning
- Open ended tasks
- Defining what we mean by 'high challenge' - what does it look like in a classroom?- Flipped classrooms
- Student voice - feedback to the teacher
- Formative assessment - how are we using this to inform our in the moment teaching?
- Consistent assessment practices across the school
- LST - how can we support our MA students?
- Cross-stage opportunities - what could this look like?
- Strategies/practices to extend our students
- Success criteria - is it broad enough? How are we using it?
If these changes take place, if we refine our practice in the above identified areas, what impact will we see and be able to measure?
- Productive struggle
- Increased dialogue, student-student and student-teacher
- Student choice to access resources - independence
- Self motivation to challenged themselves
- Consistent use of open-ended questions
- Open ended tasks - problem solving
- Differentiated activities
- Success Criteria / Learning Intention
- Clear understanding of where our students are and how we can move them on
- Planning that reflects higher expectations (drawn on from assessment)
- Referrals to LST for maths
- Creating a culture across the school of what a maths lesson looks like
What changes to our practice do we think will cause the learning that we want to see? What will address our PoP? What does WWB indicate?
- Talk Moves and Number Talks Strategy
- Teacher questioning
- Open ended tasks
- Defining what we mean by 'high challenge' - what does it look like in a classroom?- Flipped classrooms
- Student voice - feedback to the teacher
- Formative assessment - how are we using this to inform our in the moment teaching?
- Consistent assessment practices across the school
- LST - how can we support our MA students?
- Cross-stage opportunities - what could this look like?
- Strategies/practices to extend our students
- Success criteria - is it broad enough? How are we using it?
If these changes take place, if we refine our practice in the above identified areas, what impact will we see and be able to measure?
- Productive struggle
- Increased dialogue, student-student and student-teacher
- Student choice to access resources - independence
- Self motivation to challenged themselves
- Consistent use of open-ended questions
- Open ended tasks - problem solving
- Differentiated activities
- Success Criteria / Learning Intention
- Clear understanding of where our students are and how we can move them on
- Planning that reflects higher expectations (drawn on from assessment)
- Referrals to LST for maths
- Creating a culture across the school of what a maths lesson looks like