How can we cater for our high potential and gifted students in mathematics?
What do we mean by high potential and gifted students and what does the new policy say? Watch this short animation:
Optional task: Have a listen to this podcast from CESE around high potential and gifted education. Note! The podcast is 30 minutes long, you could listen to an excerpt this afternoon or the full podcast at a time that suits you.
This week's task:
Explore the Differentiation Adjustment Strategies developed by the High Potential and Gifted Education Team from the Department.
What strategy could you implement in a mathematics lesson?
Record your initial thinking in the 'Trialing Differentiation Adjustment Strategies for HPGS' GDoc *You may refer to one of the scaffolds from the Digital Learning Selector (DLS) that have been included in the adjustment strategies.
In this week's stage meeting, we will discuss what strategy we might trial in next week's plan.
Explore the Differentiation Adjustment Strategies developed by the High Potential and Gifted Education Team from the Department.
What strategy could you implement in a mathematics lesson?
Record your initial thinking in the 'Trialing Differentiation Adjustment Strategies for HPGS' GDoc *You may refer to one of the scaffolds from the Digital Learning Selector (DLS) that have been included in the adjustment strategies.
In this week's stage meeting, we will discuss what strategy we might trial in next week's plan.