Predict what learning takes place...
If you were a student at this school and did everything you were expected to do what you would you know and be able to do in relation to writing.
Common Themes
We would be learning to...
What we wonder...
What we would like to learn as a staff next...
Common Themes
We would be learning to...
- Describe our learning using metalanguage such as adjectives, adverbs, phonemes, drafting, editing, high modality, complex sentences, VCOP
- How to improve our writing through revisiting, feedback, rewriting, making changes and understanding that writing is a dynamic process
- Identifying what a good writer does through the use of quality texts (as examples), by deconstructing, analysing and techniques used by authors
- Use a model of good writing in order to construct a quality piece of a writing
- Talk about, deconstruct, analyse and share our writing
- Use prior knowledge and learning experiences to write
- Develop a rich vocabulary
- Use the '5 Keys to Success' in writing lessons - confidence, persistence, organisation, resilience and getting along.
- Share our writing in a small group or with a learning partner
- Take on teacher feedback and adjust accordingly
What we wonder...
- If students are giving constructive feedback to each other
- If we need to help our students to ask inquisitive questions about each others writing
- Do we need to know more about writing conferences
- If we need a shared editing code from K-6
- If we need to share strategies that we use for writing more often
- If students understand the continuum (writing clusters) and know how to take their writing to the next step
- If environmental print is purposeful and useful rather than 'beautiful' and if student's have ownership and make connections to the space
- If the students' imaginative texts need to have an audience so that students' understand the purpose for their writing (Network Writing Festival?) and make connections within the community (experts in writing, parent community)
- If we need to use quality texts over a longer period of time and analyse them over a series of lessons
What we would like to learn as a staff next...
- Investigating other modelling techniques
- What does a good balanced writing lesson look like and how is it programmed
- How modelling varies across the school (between stages) and what is the same
- How we can integrate spelling strategies into our writing lessons
- What are feasible expectations for our students - do we have high enough expectations?
- How does Big Writing fit with this... evaluating how we are using it and how we are implementing it
- Are we teaching the elements of Big Writing consistently across our Literacy sessions?
- Looking at Big Writing review and how we are using it
- Using a shared editing code K-6