What is student voice?
Talk to a Learning Partner about what you think student voice means and what it looks like in your classroom.
What is student voice vs student choice?
Say in how they learn and what they learn - input into aspects of the learning.
Respond to what you can and filter some of it out - focus on something meaningful.
Give them a say but ultimately teacher needs to direct/make a judgement.
More equal sharing of who's doing the talking/teaching - learning from each other.
Listening carefully to what the kids are saying - questioning to get that student voice out of them
Welcoming input - valuing opinions.
Fairness, equitable distributions of decision making.
Student centred.
What is student voice vs student choice?
Say in how they learn and what they learn - input into aspects of the learning.
Respond to what you can and filter some of it out - focus on something meaningful.
Give them a say but ultimately teacher needs to direct/make a judgement.
More equal sharing of who's doing the talking/teaching - learning from each other.
Listening carefully to what the kids are saying - questioning to get that student voice out of them
Welcoming input - valuing opinions.
Fairness, equitable distributions of decision making.
Student centred.
Read one of these articles and consider:
- What is the balance between student voice and teacher direction?
- What is the teacher's role?
- What happens if everything is student led?
- What is the balance between student voice and teacher direction?
- What is the teacher's role?
- What happens if everything is student led?
- Student centred learning starts with the teacher
- Student voice, transforming relationships
- 5 PBL Best Practices for Redefining the Teacher's Role in PBL
- Gold Standard PBL: Project-Based Teaching Practices
- teacher provides frame then students take it from there
- teacher as a mentor - feedback, models of work, resources, helping students come up with ideas, structuring activities, conferencing with groups
- getting students to identify how they would like to be assessed - teacher support and scaffolding
- teachers and students both need to change perceptions of the role - more discussion about what it means to be a student (roles and responsibilities) Shift from teaching to learning.
- teacher - explicitly teaching, planning, meeting curriculum expectations
- how do teachers listen to students - expanded understanding of what 'voice' is.
- voice = metaphor for engagement and participation
- respectful relationships, trust of each other
- respect what students know and understand about school and how it works
- Responding to what students have said they want to learn about - eg Google Drive - leaving space in plan to respond to student voice, providing strategies/time for them to give their ideas eg comment box, board in the classroom
- Asking students for feedback on our lessons - giving them a scaffold for their responses then using that feedback to plan
- Using Circle Time format after PBL to reflect and providing time to listen to the students ideas about what they would like more time on, ask questions
- Keep using exit slips as a way of getting student voice about the learning
- Providing students with opportunity to identify what they would like to be assessed on and planning an assessment task together
- Recording conversations or student ideas at the time to help reflection and future planning
- Observing how students are interacting and engaging with each other and finding a way of giving them feedback - use evaluation tools eg photo elicitation
- Students keeping a journal re what went well, what didn't, what they'd like help with - share with other students and listen to each other and respond to the voices/views of other students
- Providing choice about how/when/where they want more voice or say in things and how can they have that voice heard